The quilt was fairly easy to make. However, you have to make little snips all along the seam allowances (that are on the top of the quilt) so when its washed the raw edges will get all fluffy/raggy. And that really hurt my hands making snip after snip like that. So I think I won't make any more of this style quilt.
The second quilt pictured is one I finished a couple months ago for the family room wall. It is all hand quilted. In fact, I brought it to Idaho on my last trip "home" and my mom and little sister did a little quilting on it. :-) My mom loves quilting, but doesn't get much time for it these days.
Our family room/ kitchen /dining area is one of the most "shabby chic/romantic" decorated parts of our house. Very pink. :-) Which is my favourite colour, obviously. The main bathroom is also very pinkish. And the guest room. It's spreading! Haha